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g Daughters Site

BellaOnline's Daughters Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Daughters Site! These are the top ten articles that your Daughters Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Daughters are real people
Getting to know your daughter in a whole new way and developing a better relationship with her and having fun. I know this sounds to good to be true but you have the ability to do all of this and not get any more grey hairs.

2. How to listen to your daughter
I would like to show you how to listen to your daughter. I know you think you have been listening but you haven't and I'll prove it. I will show you how to get and keep her attention. As her parent you are able to do this because believe it or not she wants you to.

3. Co-Parenting And How It Works
Co-parenting, are you ill? Is this hard? Insane? Yes, Yes and Yes. Why do it? Because, daughter's having the support of both of her parents is most likely able to do well in society and lead a productive life. And because, she's worth it.

4. New Mothers
Hi new mom, congradulations! You've had a crash course in being a new parent and it feels great. You bought all the latest books and toys. You even have the latest bed and stroller. You've got the best bottles and even down to the best nipples. You are now ready to have fun through learning.

5. Babies and Toddlers
Want to know all you need to know things about parenting your Baby or Toddler. Here is the latest article. You'll find information on Manners, Potty-Training, Tantrums, Child Proofing and Check-Ups. Also, find important need to have numbers on your refrigerator.

6. Can We Just Get Along?
Children will go through every possible emotion while they are in their growing stages. However sibling rivalry seems to be at the top of most parents list of behavioral challenges. Want to know how to cut down on sibling rivalry?

7. Girls Hygiene
In this article, we will be discussing hygiene in girls. It is important to understand that as your daughter grows up she needs to understand how to take care of her own body. In addition, please drop in on the forums for the daughter site to comment on important topics as it relates to girls.

8. Growing With Your Daughter And Raising A Leader
You are a hero. You have the will to empower. Here you will have the opportunity to grow with your daughter as you prepare her to lead. The results will be you will have a wonderful relationship with your daughter and a well-rounded leader.

9. Middle Age Daughters 4-12 years old
These are the wonder years, they wonder about everything and not sure about anything. In this article,we will talk about friends, chatting, play dates, boys, puberty, clothes, first bra, and menstruation. Strap on your roller blades because we have a lot of ground to cover.

10. Daughter Bedrooms
Does your daughter keep a neat room with everything in place and off the floor? On the other hand, do you have the other daughter, the one that does the opposite? Here you will discover new and creative ways for encouraging your daughter to clean her room without hassle.

Be sure to visit the Daughters Archives for all the articles!


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