54 More Sabbath Day Activities

I reached deep into my files and found a list of over 100 Sabbath Day Activities. The site they were originally on no longer exists. I thought it might be fun to share these with you, as I know that sometimes it can be hard to come up with ideas for activities you can do on Sunday and still keep the Sabbath holy.
Since there are so many ideas, I decided to split the list in half. Today I am sharing the last 54 activities. Many of these would be fun to also do as activities for Family Home Evening.
1. Have each family member make a personal scrap book. Include pictures, important letters, certificates, school and Primary papers.
2. Make some kind of book. Write a story inside with a good moral. Illustrate it and then make a tape recording, complete with sound effects and music. Younger children may then look and listen to the book themselves.
3. Make a tape or letter. Have children set goals for the year and share feelings or testimonies. Save the tapes and letters for a year and then listen and/or read them.
4. Compose some poetry or write a story.
5. Write letters, thank-you cards, get-well and thinking-of-you notes.
6. Make family progress charts, achievement cards and award certificates.
7. Use salt dough or clay or construct a nativity scene, Liahona, or other Church artifact. Use your imagination.
8. Learn the missionary discussions (you never know when you may need them).
9. Make puzzles from pictures in old Church publications.
10. Clip and file favorite articles from Church publications for future reference.
11. Expand your collection of visual aids for lessons and talks by removing pictures from old Church magazines and mounting them.
12. Make personalized, handmade cards for birthdays, I love you, thinking-of-you or get-well cards.
13. Remember birthdays for the upcoming week of ward members, Church leaders, relatives, etc. Mark them on a calendar as a reminder to call or mail a personalized card.
14. Make a scroll story with butcher paper and two sticks.
15. Plan a family service project. Ask your bishop for ideas.
16. Invent a Church-related game or play one you may already have.
17. Study religious history.
18. Make dot-to-dot pictures of objects like the golden plates or the start of Bethlehem to keep little ones quietly entertained.
19. Memorize scriptures, hymns, stories , or poems.
20. Read a good play as a family. Have each member assume one or more parts.
21. Have each member of the family take turns reporting on a General Authority, prophet, bishop or other Church leader. Tell stories and display or draw pictures.
22. Have a story swap. Each member of the family must have a story of courage or valor to swap about a relative, Church leader or famous person.
23. Listen to tapes of conference or talks of the General Authorities.
24. Practice playing or singing hymns.
25. Look at books containing great works of art with children. Discuss each painting with them.
26. Set missionary goals whether they are full-time, stake or personal.
27. Invite a family in the ward you would like to know better to your home for a family fireside.
28. Set genealogy goals.
29. Have personal family interviews.
30. Write a family song or cheer.
31. Write a family newsletter to send to friends and relatives.
32. Write a giant letter to the missionaries from your ward. Each person writes his letter on the same large piece of butcher paper.
33. Plan family outings, picnics, camp outs, vacations, and holidays.
34. Make a picture book for each family member. Include pictures of themselves at different ages, other family members, and special events.
35. Take a few minutes to plan next Sunday's activities. Decide what must be done during the week to prepare for it.
36. Plan a family D.I. drive day where the family cleans the house and garage in search of items to donate.
37. Tape Church meetings for members who usually are unable to attend.
38. Practice reverence with children by sitting quietly for a short period of time. Listen to quiet music or conference tapes.
39. Play this game or make up a variation. Cut the Articles of Faith and several scriptures which have been memorized by players into words. Mount the cut words on cards. Deal six cards to each player and put the rest into a draw pile. Take turns starting a scripture or Article of Faith. As each player takes his turn, add an appropriate card from your hand to your own and the other players' sentences. If you do not have a card that can be played, discard one card to the bottom of the draw pile and take a new one. If drawn card is still inappropriate, pass. Winner is the first one to use all the cards in his or her hand.
40. Play the Scripture Hunt game. Each player takes a different page of scriptures. After reading that page, each player then writes a one sentence question, the answer to which is found somewhere on the page. At the signal, swap pages and questions. The first player to locate the correct answer to his question is the winner.
41. Play Hang Man, or Word Scramble on chalk boards. Use Church-related words.
42. Learn some new finger plays with the children.
43. Have a memory jolt (quiz) contest. See what is remembered from last Sunday.
44. Make your own filmstrip stories. Dip an old filmstrip in bleach for a few minutes. When the emulsion is loose, rinse the film under running water (do not touch the bleach). Wipe dry and then add your own pictures with permanent colors.
45. Select a talent you would like to develop. Set some goals to help you achieve the talent and then work toward developing it.
46. Each Sunday, feature a different family member in a "Why I Love You" spotlight. Display a picture and a hobby or craft of that person in a prominent place for a week. Write a brief history of the member and list all of their qualities and strengths.
47. To encourage family to know who the current prophets and apostles are, photocopy their pictures from the center of the conference issue of the Ensign. Make enough copies for half the members of your family. Play a simple game by putting a small treat (M&M, small marshmallow or nut, etc.) on each individual's picture. Divide into partners. One partner decides which one of the individuals pictured is going to be "it", and either writes I down, or tells mom or dad. The other partner tries to not name who was picked. He will call each apostle or member of the First Presidency by name. ("Was it President Thomas S. Monson?") For every person he names who was not the named, the other partner gets to eat all the remaining treats.
48. Keep a notebook with a section for each child to use for interviews. At our house, an interview consists of us meeting one-on-one with the children, and asking them, "Okay. What would you like to talk about? What would you like help with? What would you like to see done differently around here? What would you like to have happen in the next week or so? It there anything you want or need that isn't being taken care of?" Take careful notes of what is discussed and follow through during the week. At the end of the interview, mom and dad might then have a request for the child such as, "it would mean a lot to me if you would work on (whatever) during the week." Because they have had their concerns listened to, they are usually very willing to work on our concerns. Review the children¹s list with them during the next interview, so they can see that you did what they asked where you could.
49. Study the General Conference addresses as a family, so that everyone knows what counsel our living prophets are currently giving us. Determine what you are going to do in your home as a family to implement their counsel.
50. Appoint yourselves to the unofficial Ward Welcoming Committee. When a new family comes to church, show up at their house later that day with a plate of cookies and note saying who you are, prepared in advance. Make it a point to check with the quorum and Relief Society secretaries to find out the names and addresses of new people in the ward. Sometimes just one person or family can make all the difference between people feeling unwelcome, and having them feel, "Gosh! This ward is so friendly!" Be that one person or family.
51. Have an object lesson contest in your family. Pick one or two items around the house-any simple tool or item-and have everyone come up with a story about how that item can illustrate a gospel principle.
52. Choose a scripture to memorize and a topic. With that topic write a short 5 min talk or a much longer talk. You can use the scripture that you have memorized. Keep these talks in a binder for your use if you ever have to give a talk in church. It will be neat to see how much you can learn about a certain topic.
53. Hold your lesson for Family Home Evening on Sundays. Then on Monday, plan a fun activity or a "field trip", like going to the library, the park, etc. These are things and /or places you wouldn’t go to or do on Sunday.
54. Bake cookies for an elderly couple or a less active family in your ward. Leave them on a pretty plate on their doorstep, ring the doorbell and run.
Since there are so many ideas, I decided to split the list in half. Today I am sharing the last 54 activities. Many of these would be fun to also do as activities for Family Home Evening.
1. Have each family member make a personal scrap book. Include pictures, important letters, certificates, school and Primary papers.
2. Make some kind of book. Write a story inside with a good moral. Illustrate it and then make a tape recording, complete with sound effects and music. Younger children may then look and listen to the book themselves.
3. Make a tape or letter. Have children set goals for the year and share feelings or testimonies. Save the tapes and letters for a year and then listen and/or read them.
4. Compose some poetry or write a story.
5. Write letters, thank-you cards, get-well and thinking-of-you notes.
6. Make family progress charts, achievement cards and award certificates.
7. Use salt dough or clay or construct a nativity scene, Liahona, or other Church artifact. Use your imagination.
8. Learn the missionary discussions (you never know when you may need them).
9. Make puzzles from pictures in old Church publications.
10. Clip and file favorite articles from Church publications for future reference.
11. Expand your collection of visual aids for lessons and talks by removing pictures from old Church magazines and mounting them.
12. Make personalized, handmade cards for birthdays, I love you, thinking-of-you or get-well cards.
13. Remember birthdays for the upcoming week of ward members, Church leaders, relatives, etc. Mark them on a calendar as a reminder to call or mail a personalized card.
14. Make a scroll story with butcher paper and two sticks.
15. Plan a family service project. Ask your bishop for ideas.
16. Invent a Church-related game or play one you may already have.
17. Study religious history.
18. Make dot-to-dot pictures of objects like the golden plates or the start of Bethlehem to keep little ones quietly entertained.
19. Memorize scriptures, hymns, stories , or poems.
20. Read a good play as a family. Have each member assume one or more parts.
21. Have each member of the family take turns reporting on a General Authority, prophet, bishop or other Church leader. Tell stories and display or draw pictures.
22. Have a story swap. Each member of the family must have a story of courage or valor to swap about a relative, Church leader or famous person.
23. Listen to tapes of conference or talks of the General Authorities.
24. Practice playing or singing hymns.
25. Look at books containing great works of art with children. Discuss each painting with them.
26. Set missionary goals whether they are full-time, stake or personal.
27. Invite a family in the ward you would like to know better to your home for a family fireside.
28. Set genealogy goals.
29. Have personal family interviews.
30. Write a family song or cheer.
31. Write a family newsletter to send to friends and relatives.
32. Write a giant letter to the missionaries from your ward. Each person writes his letter on the same large piece of butcher paper.
33. Plan family outings, picnics, camp outs, vacations, and holidays.
34. Make a picture book for each family member. Include pictures of themselves at different ages, other family members, and special events.
35. Take a few minutes to plan next Sunday's activities. Decide what must be done during the week to prepare for it.
36. Plan a family D.I. drive day where the family cleans the house and garage in search of items to donate.
37. Tape Church meetings for members who usually are unable to attend.
38. Practice reverence with children by sitting quietly for a short period of time. Listen to quiet music or conference tapes.
39. Play this game or make up a variation. Cut the Articles of Faith and several scriptures which have been memorized by players into words. Mount the cut words on cards. Deal six cards to each player and put the rest into a draw pile. Take turns starting a scripture or Article of Faith. As each player takes his turn, add an appropriate card from your hand to your own and the other players' sentences. If you do not have a card that can be played, discard one card to the bottom of the draw pile and take a new one. If drawn card is still inappropriate, pass. Winner is the first one to use all the cards in his or her hand.
40. Play the Scripture Hunt game. Each player takes a different page of scriptures. After reading that page, each player then writes a one sentence question, the answer to which is found somewhere on the page. At the signal, swap pages and questions. The first player to locate the correct answer to his question is the winner.
41. Play Hang Man, or Word Scramble on chalk boards. Use Church-related words.
42. Learn some new finger plays with the children.
43. Have a memory jolt (quiz) contest. See what is remembered from last Sunday.
44. Make your own filmstrip stories. Dip an old filmstrip in bleach for a few minutes. When the emulsion is loose, rinse the film under running water (do not touch the bleach). Wipe dry and then add your own pictures with permanent colors.
45. Select a talent you would like to develop. Set some goals to help you achieve the talent and then work toward developing it.
46. Each Sunday, feature a different family member in a "Why I Love You" spotlight. Display a picture and a hobby or craft of that person in a prominent place for a week. Write a brief history of the member and list all of their qualities and strengths.
47. To encourage family to know who the current prophets and apostles are, photocopy their pictures from the center of the conference issue of the Ensign. Make enough copies for half the members of your family. Play a simple game by putting a small treat (M&M, small marshmallow or nut, etc.) on each individual's picture. Divide into partners. One partner decides which one of the individuals pictured is going to be "it", and either writes I down, or tells mom or dad. The other partner tries to not name who was picked. He will call each apostle or member of the First Presidency by name. ("Was it President Thomas S. Monson?") For every person he names who was not the named, the other partner gets to eat all the remaining treats.
48. Keep a notebook with a section for each child to use for interviews. At our house, an interview consists of us meeting one-on-one with the children, and asking them, "Okay. What would you like to talk about? What would you like help with? What would you like to see done differently around here? What would you like to have happen in the next week or so? It there anything you want or need that isn't being taken care of?" Take careful notes of what is discussed and follow through during the week. At the end of the interview, mom and dad might then have a request for the child such as, "it would mean a lot to me if you would work on (whatever) during the week." Because they have had their concerns listened to, they are usually very willing to work on our concerns. Review the children¹s list with them during the next interview, so they can see that you did what they asked where you could.
49. Study the General Conference addresses as a family, so that everyone knows what counsel our living prophets are currently giving us. Determine what you are going to do in your home as a family to implement their counsel.
50. Appoint yourselves to the unofficial Ward Welcoming Committee. When a new family comes to church, show up at their house later that day with a plate of cookies and note saying who you are, prepared in advance. Make it a point to check with the quorum and Relief Society secretaries to find out the names and addresses of new people in the ward. Sometimes just one person or family can make all the difference between people feeling unwelcome, and having them feel, "Gosh! This ward is so friendly!" Be that one person or family.
51. Have an object lesson contest in your family. Pick one or two items around the house-any simple tool or item-and have everyone come up with a story about how that item can illustrate a gospel principle.
52. Choose a scripture to memorize and a topic. With that topic write a short 5 min talk or a much longer talk. You can use the scripture that you have memorized. Keep these talks in a binder for your use if you ever have to give a talk in church. It will be neat to see how much you can learn about a certain topic.
53. Hold your lesson for Family Home Evening on Sundays. Then on Monday, plan a fun activity or a "field trip", like going to the library, the park, etc. These are things and /or places you wouldn’t go to or do on Sunday.
54. Bake cookies for an elderly couple or a less active family in your ward. Leave them on a pretty plate on their doorstep, ring the doorbell and run.
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55 Sabbath Day Activities

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This content was written by Brenda Emmett. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Brenda Emmett for details.