Beading Resources

2012 Bead Themed Calendars to Print
3 printable single page year calendars with a bead theme for the year 2012
Analogous Colors and Bargello Amulet Bag Pattern
Part of my color theory series, this focuses on analogous colors. There is also a free pattern for a bargello patterned amulet bag.
Ankh Bead Patterns
Beaded ankh patterns for a bracelet and a mandala type pendant which I designed for my best friend and want to share with all of you.
Auntie's Beads Videos
Auntie´s Beads has a series of YouTube videos with great lessons.
Ayla´s Originals African Trade Bead Page [offsite link]
A short and nice introduction to African trade beads
Basic Beading - Choosing Needles
A short guide to picking the right needles for your beadwork.
Basic Beading : Flat Odd Count Peyote
Instructions for an odd count peyote variation using one of the snowflake earring patterns.
Basic Beading- Adding new thread
How to add new thread to a project.
Bead and Button Magazine [offsite link]
The homepage for this wonderful magazine, free projects offered for
download from the page.
Bead Cellar [offsite link]
Beading software for Windows
Bead Creator [offsite link]
New software for graphing in beads, for windows. Looks interesting. Watch for a review!
Bead Dancing Bead Graphpaper [offsite link]
Downloadable graph paper by Bead Dancing
Bead Font
A true type font I made myself a few years ago.
Bead Space
The new social networking site for beaders.
Bead Wizard Software [offsite link]
Beading pattern software for Windows.
Beaded Gift Ideas for Men and Boys
Some ideas for gifts for men or boys who can be hard to bead for.
Beading for the Soul and Making Wire Jewelry
Reviews of 2 new beading books, one for beginners and one for more advanced beaders.
BeadPatterns.Com [offsite link]
Buy and print immediately patterns, and lots of free graph paper and patterns
Beadscape [offsite link]
Beadscape bead designing software for Macintosh.
BeadTool Beading Software - Review
A review of Bead Tool software, the very affordable software for beaders.
Beadville [offsite link]
Home of Bead Pattern Designer Software for windows.
Beadwork At Bellaonline.Com Index
An index seperated by article type of all the articles on Beadwork at
Beadwork at Index -Artists, books, product reviews
Part of the big index, Product and book reviews, artist focus pieces, and things that don´t quite fit elsewhere.
Beadwork Magazine [offsite link]
Beadwork Magazine´s Homepage, projects and information.
Black Giraffe [offsite link]
Graph paper in PDF format, as well as several free patterns, and some wonderful books you can order from the site.
Book Review - A Bead in Time
This is a review of Lisa Crone's book A Bead in Time
Book Review - A String of Expression
Reviewing June Roman's A String of Expression, a book with jewelry inspired by art journal pages
Book Review - Artful Jewelry
A review of Jo Packham's book Artful Jewelry : Craft and Wear Your Own Masterpieces
Book Review - Artistic Seed Bead Jewelry
A review of Artistic Seed Bead Jewelry : Ideas and Techniques for Original Designs by Maggie Roschyk
Book Review - Bead Riffs
A review of Rachel Nelson-Smith's Bead Riffs : Jewelry Projects in Peyote and Right Angle Weave
Book Review - Bead Romantique by Lisa Kan
A review of Lisa Kan´s book, Bead Romantique
Book Review - Beaded Bugs
A review of the book Beaded Bugs by Nicola Tedman and Jean Power
Book Review - Beading Across America
Beading Across America is a collection of projects by artists from 30 states.
Book Review - Beadmaille
A review of Cindy Thomas Pankopf's book Beadmaille
Book Review - Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders 2
A review of Irina Miech's Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders 2
Book Review - Contemporary Cube Bead Designs
A review of Virginia Jensen's Contemporary Cube Bead Designs : Stitching with Herringbone, Peyote, Ladder Stitch and More, a book which focuses on projects made with cube shaped beads.
Book Review - Creating Glass Beads
A review of the book Creating Glass Beads by Jeri L. Warhaftig
Book Review - Creative Beading Vol. 6
A review of the newest volume in the Creative Beading series by Bead and Button Magazine
Book Review - Endless Sparkle
A review of Aimee Carpenter's book, Endless Sparkle
Book Review - French Beaded Flowers
A review of the book French Beaded Flowers- The Complete Guide by Zoe L. Schneider.
Book Review - Irina's Inspirations for Jewelry
A review of Irina Miech's book Irina's Inspirations for Jewelry : From the Exotic to the Everyday
Book Review - Lacy Wire Jewelry
A review of Melody MacDuffee's Lacy Wire Jewelry
Book Review - Mixed Metal Mania
A review of the book Mixed Metal Mania : solder, rivet, hammer and wire exceptional jewelry by Kim St. Jean
Book Review - Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies
My review of Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies, part of the Beadweaving Master Class Series
Book Review - Sensational Bead Embroidery
A review of Sherry Serafini's book Sensational Bead Embroidery
Book Review - Showcase 500 Beaded Jewelry
A review of the coffee table book, Showcase 500 Beaded Jewelry by Ray Hemachandra- a photo collection of some of the best bead jewelry by artists around the world.
Book Review - Steampunk Emporium
A review of Steampunk Emporium : Creating Fantastical Jewelry, Devices and Oddments from Assorted Cogs, Gears and Curios by Jema Hewitt.
Book Review - Stitch Workshop - Herringbone Stitch
A review of Bead and Button's new Stitch Workshop book- Herringbone Stitch: Basic Techniques, Advanced Results.
Book Review - Stitch Workshop : Peyote Stitch
A review of the new Stitch Workshop : Peyote Stitch - Basic Techniques, Advanced Results.
Book Review - Stitch Workshop : Right-Angle Weave
A review of Stitch Workshop:Right-Angle Weave; Basic Techniques, Advanced Results, a book from the editors of Bead and Button magazine with right angle weave projects.
Book Review - Stitching Beaded Jewelry
A review of Stitching Bead Jewelry by Lesley Weiss, part of the The Absolute Beginners Guide series
Book Review -Dimensional Bead Embroidery
A review of the book Dimensional Bead Embroidery : A Reference Guide to Techniques by Jamie Cloud Eakin
Book Review : Bead & Fiber Jewelry
A review of the micro-macramé book Bead & Fiber Jewelry : Elegant Knotted Designs by Jane Olson-Phillips
Book Review : Beaded Colorways
A review of the book Beaded Colorways by Beverly Ash Gilbert
Book Review : Findings and Finishings
A review of the new book by Sharon Bateman, Findings and Finishings
Book Review : Mastering Beadwork by Carol Huber Cypher
A review of Mastering Beadwork - A Comprehensive Guide to Off-loom Techniques
Book Review : Metal Clay and Mixed Media Jewelry
A review of Sherri Haab´s book Metal Clay and Mixed Media Jewelry
Book Review : Netted Beadwork by Diane Fitzgerald
A review of Netted Beadwork
Book Review ; Beading on Fabric
A review of Beading on Fabric : Encycolpedia of Bead Stitch Techniques by Larkin Jean Van Horn
Book Review ; Beginner's Guide to Beadwork
A review of the book Beginner´s Guide to Beadwork by Madeleine Rollason
Book Review- Bead Chic
A review of the book Bead Chic by Margot Potter
Book Review- Bead Soup
A review of the collaborative Bead Soup project book by Lori Anderson
Book Review- Bead Tube Jewelry
A review of Nancy Zeller's book bead tube jewelry.
Book Review- Beaded Allure
A review of the romantic beading book Beaded Allure by Kelly Wiese
Book Review- Beads In Motion
A review of Marcia DeCoster's Beads In Motion- 24 Projects that Spin, Sway, Swing and Slide
Book Review- Beautiful Beaded Ropes
Review of Jill Wiseman's Beautiful Beaded Ropes. This book is part of Lark's Beadweaving Master Class Series and covers making ropes using a variety of stitches.
Book Review- Classical Elegance
A review of the seed bead weaving book Maggie Meister's Classical Elegance.
Book Review- Create Colorful Aluminum Jewelry
A review of Helen Harle's new book Create Colorful Aluminum Jewelry : Upcycle cans into vibrant necklaces, rings, earrings, pins and bracelets
Book Review- Crochet Jewelry
A review of Crochet Jewelry : 35 Fantastic Pieces of Jewelry to Make and Wear by Sophie Britten
Book Review- Crystal Jewelry Inspiration
A review of Crystal Jewelry Inspiration from the Create Your Style Ambassadors, a collection of projects that use Swarovski Elements
Book Review- Easy Beading Vol. 7
A review of Easy Beading Vol. 7 by BeadStyle Magazine
Book Review- Embellished Beadweaving
A review of the book Embellished Beadweaving by Laura McCabe. It's part of Lark Book's Beadweaving Master Class series and focuses on embellishment techniques using seed beads.
Book Review- Fabric Jewelry
A review of Heidi Pridemore and Nancy Zieman's book Fabric Jewelry Wrapped, Braided and Sewn
Book Review- Great Designs for Shaped Beads
Anna Elizabeth Draeger's book uses popular shaped beads in bead woven designs to show some of the possibilities of these fun beads. Check out my review!
Book Review- I Can Herringbone
A review of Melissa Grakowsky's book "I Can Herringbone"- part of Lark Craft's I Can series
Book Review- Japanese Beadwork
Japanese Beadwork with Sonoko Nozue : 25 Jewelry Designs from a Master Artist is an exciting and beautiful book. Find out why!
Book Review- Jewelry for the New Romantic
A review of Jewelry for the New Romantic : Unexpected Techniques with Crystals and Beading Wire by Nealay Patel
Book Review- Kumihimo Basics and Beyond
A review of Rebecca Ann Combs book Kumihimo Basics and Beyond : 25 braided and beaded jewelry projects on the kumihimo disk.
Book Review- Mastering The Art Of Beading
A review of the book Mastering the Art of Beading by Genevieve A. Starbenz
Book Review- Metalworking 101 for Beaders
A review of Candie Cooper's Metalworking 101 for Beaders, a book with basic instructions for metalworking in projects that use beads.
Book Review- More Jewelry Making
A review of Chris Franchetti Michaels' Teach Yourself Visually- More Jewelry Making: Techniques to Take Your Projects to the Next Level.
Book Review- Multistrand Jewelry
Bead Style Magazine's collection of multistrand jewelry designs is an inspiring collection of projects for bead stringers. Read my review to see why!
Book Review- Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches and Rings using Crystal Beads
A review of Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches and Rings using Crystal Beads by Christine and Sylvie Hooghe
Book Review- Seed Bead Fusion
A review of the book Seed Bead Fusion by Rachel Nelson-Smith
Book Review- Show Your Colors
Show Your Colors : 30 Flexible Beading Wire Projects by Jamie Hogsett and Sara Hardin Oehler is a book that focuses on designs which use colored beading wire as a design component.
Book Review- Soutache
A review of Soutache- 30 Gorgeous Bead Embroidery Designs by Anneta Valious
Book Review- Steampunk Style Jewelry
A review of Jean Campbell's book Steampunk Styles Jewelry
Book Review- The Complete Book of Polymer Clay
A review of Lisa Pavelka's new book "The Complete Book of Polymer Clay".
Book Review- The Venetian Glass Bead
A review of Kathy Fox's The Venetian Glass Bead:24 Colorful Jewelry Projects
Book Review- Totally Twisted
A review of the new wireworking book Totally Twisted by Kerry Bogert
Book Review- Unconventional Chain Mail Jewelry
My review of Laura Poplin's Unconventional Chain Mail Jewelry
Book Review- Wired Beautiful
A review of the new book, Wired Beautiful by Heidi Boyd
Book Reviews ; Suzen Millodot's Knot Books
Reviews of Celtic Knots for Beaded Jewellery and Chinese Knots for Bead Jewellery by Suzen Millodot
Brick Stitch with 2 and 3 Bead Rows
Using basic brick stitch but changing the number of beads in a row really changes the look of the stitch. This article shows how with examples and graph paper.
Candy´s Beading Links [offsite link]
An absolutely AMAZING list of links for beaders. Updated, comprehensive. Check it out.
Cochenille Design Studio [offsite link]
Software for knitting and crosssstitching, you can get a special beading module for it.
Complementary Colors and Triangle Earrings
An overview of contrasting colors and how they really work well together in designs with triangle earrings graphed examples and black triangle earring graphs.
Converting peyote graphs to regular graphs
How to easily turn that favorite peyote pattern into something you can cross stitch or do on a loom
Crochet With Wire & Beadwork Creates Earrings
Reviews of two of the most recent books from Interweave Press
Diane Fitzgerald's Favorite Beading Projects
A review of Diane Fitzgerald's Favorite Beading Projects- a great book for beginning bead weavers!
Differences Between 1 and 2 Drop Peyote Stitch
How choosing your graph can affect your pattern, and why sometimes using a non-standard stitch can be better.
Earring Graph Paper
Graph paper specifically for brick stitched earrings, by request.
Easy Cross Software [offsite link]
Cross stitch software with a beading module available.
Fall Fashion Colors In Delica Beads
My picks for the best beads to match the fall fashion trendy colors and 3 odd count peyote bracelet patterns.
Finishing Techniques- Spacers and bead caps
Spacers and bead caps add a lot to a finished design. Some resources to find them at as well.
Graphing in Paint [offsite link]
A nicely written for how to design bead graphs in Paint, a standard windows program
Graphing Patterns
A quick overview of how to graph your own patterns using images
Graphing Patterns - Mandalas
How to graph a mandala like flat peyote pattern, including blank graph paper and several patterns.
Gypsy Costume- Beaded Accessories
Some ideas for beaded accessories for a gypsy costume
Halloween Patterns
A few free patterns, plus some links to some Halloween themed bead patterns!
Hexagonal Flat Peyote Worked In Rounds
Graph paper for Japanese cylinder beads and basic instructions for hexagonal peyote worked in the round.
Intergalactic Bead Shows Articles [offsite link]
Several wonderful articles about different types of beads.
Jewelry Crafts Magazine [offsite link]
Jewelry Crafts Magazine, archived projects for polymer clay and seedbeads, as well as a Reader´s Gallery.
Lapidary Journal Magazine [offsite link]
Focuses on stones, metal working, beadwork and wirework.
Leah Kramer´s Homepage [offsite link]
Many of us know Leah Kramer´s free software pattern designer,
now she has two free bead programs up on her new home page!
Making Beads With Recycled Materials
Links to various projects that use recycled materials to make beads.
Mandala Blank Graph Paper with a knotwork pattern
New graph paper for radially symmetrical designs like mandalas or snowflakes for brick stitch or peyote. A knotwork pattern made up of lover's knots and a trinity knot is used for the example.
Monochromatic Colors and Heart Pin Pattern
An explanation of monochromatic color schemes that includes a heart pin pattern, a tumbling block pattern and blank heart graphs
Networking Sites and Beads
Finding other beaders through social networking sites and some tiling bead backgrounds to use on those sites.
Pagan Living´s List of Stones [offsite link]
A nice text list of stones and their meanings.
Printable Bead Graph Booklets
Free printable small single page folded booklets with blank bead graphs to carry with you for sudden design ideas.
Printable Earring Boxes
Gift boxes that can be printed out and assembled to hold your pretty earrings in.
Product Review - Fiskars Craft Drill
A review of Fiskars Craft Drill, a manual drill for hobbyists.
Review - Create Jewelry : Stones
A review of the new book in the Create Jewelry series, Create Jewelry : Stones -Stunning Designs to Make and Wear by Marlene Blessing and Jamie Hogsett
Review - Mixed Media - Polymer Clay
A review of the instructional DVD Mixed Media: How to Make Polymer Clay Beads hosted by Ronna Sarvas Weltman
Review : Designing Jewelry With Semiprecious Beads
A review of Kim Gover´s book Designing Jewelry with Semiprecious Beads
Review : Diane Fitzgerald's Shaped Beadwork
A review of Diane Fitzgerald's Shaped Beadwork, a book that explains how to make dimensional shapes in seed beads.
Review- BeadTool 4
A review of the newest release of Bead Tool, graphing software for seed beaders.
Sacred Geometry [offsite link]
A wonderful page about math and geometry in art.
Shala´s Graphpaper [offsite link]
20 kinds of graph paper on my personal site for free download.
Software Review : BeadTool 2
A review and tutorial for using Bead Tool 2
The Art of Polymer Clay -Millefiori Techniques
A review of Donna Kato´s book, The Art of Polymer Clay: Millefiori Techniques
The Bead Bugle [offsite link]
The Bead Bugle! Hundreds of pages of information, projects and interviews with artists. Sign up for the newsletter!
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beading
A review of the Complete Idiot´s Guide to Beading
The Mineral Gallery [offsite link]
Lists and pictures and lots of information on minerals.
This Is How I Go When I Go Like This
A review of the book This Is How I Go When I Go Like This by Linda Collier Ligon
Timpy Works : The Frugal Jeweler - Earrings
A review of the newest e-book from TimpyWorks, The Frugal Jeweler - Earrings.
Triadic Color Palettes with Bracelet Patterns
A description of triadic color schemes with 3 bracelet patterns.
Using Jump Rings With Seed Beads
An easy professional looking finish for attaching findings to beadwork.
Wire Artist Jeweller Magazine [offsite link]
Wirewrapping magazine with lots of bead accented projects.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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This content was written by . If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Shala Kerrigan for details.