
A Cacti/Succulent Garden for Pollinators
Create a pollinator-friendly garden with cacti and succulents. These plants offer nectar and pollinator to hummingbirds, butterflies, and all sorts of bees.
A Primer on Seeds
Seeds are a plant waiting to happen. They are the means by which we often produce new cacti and succulents and other garden plants. The story of seeds is an interesting one.
Abnormal Growth in Cacti and Succulents
Abnormal or misshapen growth in cacti and succulents does occur from time to time.
Aesthetic Attributes of Cacti and Succulents
The cacti and succulents are among the most beautiful plants. They possess many admirable qualities.
Agave Fibers and Other Uses
Agaves may be beautiful plants. But, they have many practical uses as well.
Agave Sweeteners
The agave syrups are a fairly recent addition to the food scene in America. These are seen as a natural alternative to granulated sugar.
Award Winning Euphorbias
During 2009 new plant trials were held all over the country at various locations. Among the outstanding new varieties were a number of different euphorbias that will be of interest to succulent lovers.
Benefits of Indoor Cacti/Succulents
Houseplants have much to offer. These provide many kinds of benefits to indoor gardeners.
Bitter Root and Hen-and-chicks From Seed
Bitter root and hen and chicks are hardy succulent perennials. These are easy to grow from seed.
Botanical Art-Cacti and Succulents
Paintings of cacti and succulents appear in any number of gardening books. One of my favorite garden history titles features these plants.
Botanical Art-Cacti and Succulents
A number of botanical artists are known widely for their works that depict cacti and succulents. These include the following.
Butterfly and Bird Garden Plants
When designing butterfly and bird gardens, gardeners should consider icluding some cacti and succulents.
Buying Your First Indoor Cacti/Succulent
When you're buying your first indoor cacti or succulent, there are various things to consider.
Cacti and Succulent Botanical Art
Cacti and succulents have often been the subject of botanical art.
Cacti and Succulent Companion Plants
Mix other kinds of plants with the cacti and succulents to create a pleasing landscape design.
Cacti and Succulent Garden Kits
Some gardeners like a challenge, and are willing to grow their own cacti and succulents from seed. Here are some garden kits that will help.
Cacti and Succulent Newsletter Sign-up
What does it mean to sign up for the Cacti and Succulents newsletter? It means a weekly link to an article about these fascinating plants.
Cacti and Succulent Safety
Cacti have sharp spines and some succulents have stinging sap. They won't cause you any problems if you take some simple precautions.
Cacti and Succulent State/National Flowers
Many states have selected an official state flower. So have some nations. Among those flowers are several succulents as well as one cactus.
Cacti and Succulents Art
The history of plants and gardening has been recorded in botanical art. Several artists are known for their works on cacti and succulents.
Cacti and Succulents as Ground Covers
Cacti and succulents can fill many roles in the landscape. A number of these plants make great ground covers.
Cacti and Succulents for Coastal Gardens
Tough places call for tough plants. For seaside gardens where the plants are bathed in salty air and windswept, choose salt tolerant cacti and succulents.
Cacti and Succulents in Art
Paintings of cacti and succulents can be found in a number of sources, including calendars and books.
Cacti with Edible Fruits
Though it is common knowledge that prickly pear fruits are edible, some of the other species that bear edible ones aren´t as widely recognized.
Cacti/Succulents Book Review
In addition to gardening books, cacti and succulent growers will find regional books on plants are very useful. Texas A & M University Press has released a very helpful title.
Cactus Flowers
Cactus flowers put on quite a show. They´re among the most beautiful in the plant kingdon.
Cactus Spines
Among cacti, spines are very common. A cactus spine is really a kind of modified leaf.
Caring for Your Indoor Cacti and Succulents
As houseplants, succulents and cacti are carefree plants that don't require a lot of attention.
Clay and Ceramic Pots for Cacti and Succulents
Clay and ceramic pots are ideal for cacti and succulents. These can be used throughout the landscape as well as indoors.
Container Plantings with Succulents
Container gardening continues to grow every year. It´s easy to see why. You don´t need outdoor garden space for these potted gardens. A balcony or deck will do.
Containers for Cacti and Succulents
There are many types of suitable pots and planters for cacti and succulents, including dish gardens and novelty planters.
Containers for Cacti and Succulents
As interest in container gardening continues to expand, cacti and succulent are becoming more popular than ever.
Cooking With Agave Syrup
Agave syrups are typically made in Mexico. These are very useful for cooking and baking.
Creating a Light Garden for Cacti and Succulents
If you don´t have any sunny windows for growing cacti and succulents, create an indoor light garden.
Decor for Cacti and Succulent Gardens
A garden needs more than cacti and succulents to be complete. It´s the same principle as interior design. This is called garden decor.
Decorating Schemes with Cacti and Succulents
This week, we'll look at some of the various decorating styles, and see how we can incorporate cacti and succulents into these different schemes.
Decorating with Cacti and Succulents
Here are a few ways we can use cacti and succulents as part of home decor.
Decorating with Images of Cacti and Succulents
This week, we will focus on using images of cacti and succulents on functional and decorative items for the home. We'll also look at ways that these can be incorporated into various decorating styles.
Diseases of Cacti and Succulents
For the most part, cacti and succulents are carefree plants. Given the right growing conditions, they will rarely suffer from serious insect and disease problems. However, as with most plants there are exceptions.
Displaying Holiday Cacti
With their cheerful colors and attractive shapes, the holiday cacti love to be in the limelight.
Easy to Grow Succulent House Plants
People who say they have a hard time keeping house plants alive should consider growing some easy care succulents.
Elephant Bush as a Bonsai
A number of tree-like or shrubby succulents make succulent bonsai specimens. Among these is the elephant bush.
European Spurges As Garden Plants
Among the perennial Euphorbias are a number that were originally native to Europe.
Fertilizing Indoor Cacti and Succulents
Keep your indoor cacti and succulents thriving by fertilizing them.
Florilegium Imperiale Book Review
"Florilegium Imperiale-Botanical Illustrations for Francis I of Austria" by H. Walter Lack will be of particular interest to cacti and succulent lovers.
Forms of Different Cacti and Succulents
Plants have many interesting features, and each of these contributes to the overall beauty of the specimen. Most often we might think of leaves and flowers, but the form or growth habit can also make a species really attractive.
Garden Chemicals and Cacti/Succulents
Though cacti and succulents are generally more resistant to insects and diseases than many other plants, it is sometimes necessary to use garden chemicals.
Garden Tours for Cacti/Succulent Lovers
The adventuresome types may like to travel the world seeing cacti and succulents growing wild. Others prefer a visit to a botanical garden.
Garden Troughs and Other Planters
Garden troughs and other planters are excellent choices for cacti and succulents.
Gardens to Visit
Cacti and succulent lovers will find inspiration and beauty during garden tours. There are many kinds of gardens--both public and private--that are worth a visit.
Gift Ideas for Cacti/Succulent Gardens
For gardeners with outdoor cacti and succulent gardens, all sorts of outdoor gardening gifts are suitable.
Gift Ideas for Indoor Cacti Gardens
Buying holiday gifts is easy when those indoor gardeners love cacti and succulents.
Gifts for Cacti and Succulent Lovers
It's easy enough to choose holiday gifts for cacti and succulent lovers. There are items available to suit every budget.
Gifts for Gardeners
Most all of the economic news is gloomy, but even if you´re on a budget, Christmas shopping need not create problems.
Gifts for Gardeners and Cacti/Succulent Lovers
It will soon be time to think about buying those holiday gifts. It is easy to find items for cacti and succulent lovers and other gardeners.
Gifts for Mother's Day
Here are some gift ideas for mothers who are interested in cacti and succulents.
Going Green with Cacti and Succulents
Many gardeners are interested in going green. Cacti and succulents are the ideal plants for green landscapes.
Green Roof Gardens with Succulents
A lot is happening in the world of green roofs. These are becoming increasingly popular, particularly among urban gardeners.
Green Roofs with Succulents
Green roofs are all the rage. These are often planted with succulents.
Green Walls and Green Roofs
Green walls and green roots are two of the possible landcape uses for succulents. Depending on the situation, the wall can be indoors or outdoors.
Green Walls and Roofs Ideas
Green walls and green roofs are great additions to the landscape. Succulents are perfect plants for these structures.
Green Walls for Succulents
Green walls are spreading by leaps and bounds. These are often planted with succulents.
Growing Cacti and Succulents Along Property Lines
As landscape plants, cacti and succulents can fill many different roles. Typically, we need plants to mark boundary lines.
Growing Cactus from Seed
A number of cacti species are easy to grow from seed. Here are details for some of those.
Growing Cob Cactus Indoors
When it comes to choosing plants for windowsill gardens, the cob cactus outshine many others.
Growing Crown Cactus
Easy to grow, the free flowering crown cactus make perfect indoor plants.
Growing Requirements for Jungle and Desert Cacti
Theneeds of cacti depend upon the growing conditions in their native habitat.
Growing Stonecrops from Seed
Most stonecrops are easy to grow from seed.
Growing Succulents From Seed
Many succulents can be grown from seed. The seeds are widely available.
Growing Wolfsmilk as a Succulent Bonsai
Native to West Africa and the Canary Islands, this species of euphorbia has a tree-like shape, which makes it ideal for bonsai.
Growing Yuccas From Seed
Yuccas can be grown from seeds.
Hardy Succulents Book Review
Cacti and succulent lovers will be delighted with this hardy succulent book from Storey Publishing.
Heirloom Cacti and Succulents
Interest in cacti and succulents is nothing new. In many respects these deserve to be called heirloom plants.
Highlights from Cacti History
The history and folklore of cacti is fascinating. Here are just a few highlights.
Holiday Gifts for Cacti and Succulent Lovers
When those on your holiday shopping list are gardeners, it is easy to find gifts that please.
Holiday Gifts for Gardeners
For those cacti and succulent lovers on your holiday shopping list, here are some practical suggestions.
How Flowers Work
Handsome colors, attractive shapes, and sweet aromas, these are some of the things that flowers offer to gardeners. But there is more to flowers than meets the eye.
Ideas for Christmas
Whether its holiday plants or Christmas gifts you´re looking for, here are some holiday suggestions.
Images of Cacti and Succulents
Gardeners enjoy seeing images of their favorite plants. Why else would we buy garden calendars year after year? Images of cacti and succulents are available even though they aren´t as common as those of some other plants.
Indoor Gardening Book Review
Tender cacti and succulents can be brought indoors or into a greenhouse for the colder months. Storey Publishing has released a wonderful guide on overwintering tender plants.
Indoor Light Exposures for Cacti and Succulents
When growing cacti and succulents indoors, light is one of the most important considerations.
Ingredients for Mixing Cacti and Succulent Soils
If you´re shopping for cactus potting soil or mixing your own formula, you may need information about what sort of ingredients these may contain.
Jade Plants as Succulent Bonsai
If you want to try your hand at creating a succulent bonsai, the jade plant makes an excellent choice for beginners.
Jerusalem Sage and Other Companion Plants
There are both hardy and tender species that make good companion plants for cacti and succulents. These include Jerusalem sage and others.
Jungle Cacti for Indoor Plants
So far as houseplants are concerned, the jungle cacti are tops. Here are a few that are commonly grown indoors.
Keeping Your Kalanchoes in Bloom Longer
If you want to keep your kalanchoes blooming longer, there are a few things you can do.
Knot and Mosaic Gardens
There are many ways to feature succulents in the landscape. Two options include knot gardens and mosaic gardens.
Landscape Ideas for Cacti/Succulents
Some landscape roles call for cacti and succulents, These are ideal for pairing with rocks and stone. Here are some landscaping suggestions.
Landscape Options for Cacti/Succulents
The cacti and succulents are versatile plants that can be used in many ways throughout the landscape. Here are some ideas.
Landscaping with Cacti and Succulents
Cacti and succulents can be used for many purposes throughout the landscape. Here are some ideas.
Living Wreaths with Succulents
Succulents are ideal plants for living wreaths. Whether you purchase a ready-made living wreath or create your own, these are living works of art.
Long Flowering Succulents
Some succulents tend to bloom for a short period while others are known to bloom pretty much non-stop.
Making Your Own Succulent Potting Mix
Are you ready to venture forth beyond the world of bagged cacti and succulent potting mixes? Mixing your own gives you control over weight and drainage.
Margarita and Other Portulacas
With the moss rose and flowering purslanes, you can choose from so many varieties. Here are just a few.
More Companions for Cacti and Succulents
Gardeners in warm climates can choose from many companion plants for their cacti and succulents. Here are some suggested plants that can tolerate hot, dry conditions.
More Succulents For Stone Walls
Here are some more hardy succulents for stone walls.
New Agaves and Other Succulents
For the gardening season, gardeners can choose from a number of new varieties of cacti and succulents, including agaves.
New and Award Winning Succulents
During recent months a number of new succulents became widely available. In addition, a number of new varieties became award winners.
New Succulents for 2009
Succulent and cacti lovers will find a number of new plants at garden centers, nurseries, and online for the new gardening year. Here are some recent introductions.
Planters for Cacti and Succulents
When it comes to pots for cacti and succulents, terra cotta remains one of the most popular materials.
Planting Cacti and Succulents Outdoors
In most parts of the U.S., spring is the prime time when plants are transplanted into the landscape. During this period, the temperatures are cooler and the plants will suffer from less transplanting shock.
Plants for Various Situations
Cacti and succulents are suitable for various kinds of situations within the landscape. Here are some suggestions.
Plants Have Body Language
Plants use body language to indicate how they are doing. If we become attuned to how they look and what they are saying we can better meet their needs. This is especially true for cacti and succulents.
Pollination of Cacti and Succulents
Pollination is critical for most cacti and succulents.
Puerto Rico and Other Portulacas
The portulacas are very suitable for landscapes and container gardens. Here are some recommended varieties.
Purslane for the Edible Landscape
Purslane was originally native to much of Europe, and became a favorite in European vegetable gardens.
Purslane in the Kitchen Garden
Purslane has found favor among kitchen gardeners for hundreds of years.
Reasons to Choose Cacti and Succulents
There are both aesthetic and practical reasons to choose cacti and succulents over over plants.
Reasons to Grow Cacti and Succulents
If you´ve never grown cacti and succulents, there are many reasons to do so. These are the most earth friendly choice you can make.
Redoute's Cacti and Succulent Art
Pierre-Joseph Redoute was a renowned botanical artist. He was well known for his watercolors of cacti and succulents.
Reliable Hardy Cacti/Succulents
When selecting cacti and succuelnts for outdoor gardens, some species stand out from the crowd.
Rock Gardens with Cacti and Succulents
Rock gardens offer perfect conditions for hardy cacti and succulents.
Roof and Balcony Cacti and Succulent Gardens
Cacti and succulents can be used in most any landscape setting. They´re especially suitable for balcony and roof gardens.
Rosemary and Other Companions for Cacti
There are many suitable companion plants for cacti and succulents. Here are details on rosemary and some others.
Russian Sage and Other Companion Plants
When choosing companion plants for cacti and succulents, consider the hardy perennials. These are good choices for many areas.
Self Defense and Coping Strategies of Plants
Plants have learned to cope with challenging situations. They employ both physical and chemical means of self protection and various other coping stragegies.
Soilless Potting Mixes for Indoor Cacti and Succulents
For many indoor cacti and succulents, a soiless potting mix is suitable.
Some Attractive Woolly Cacti
White haired cacti are among the most attractive plants you can find.
Some Award Winning Succulents
A number of different succulents were recognized as award winners during the last year or so. These are very good choices for the garden because you know they'll be top performers.
Some Award Winning Suculents
When choosing cacti and succulents, you won't go wrong with award winning varieties. A number of succulents have been singled out for special honors.
Some Cacti for Indoor Light Gardens
For gardeners in cold climates, indoor light gardeners offer a way to grow small species of cacti and succulents.
Some Common Plant Problems
Cacti and succulents suffer from fewer insect and disease problems than most other plants. Yet, they still have their share. Here is a simple guide to the most common things that occur.
Some Common Problems of Cacti and Succulents
Though cacti and succulents have fewer problems than other plants, life isn´t always a bed or roses.
Some Crested Euphorbias
With their odd and unusual shapes, succulents are among the most fascinating plants with the crested Euphorbias being even more bizarre looking.
Some Desert Cacti for Indoor Plants
While all of the New World cacti don't make good house plants, some of these are excellent for growing indoors.
Some Excellent Cacti and Succulent Varieties
When shopping for cacti and succulents, look for the best varieties avilable.
Some Excellent Succulents
Gardeners can choose from many kinds of cacti and succulents. Depending on the situation, these might be annuals or perennials. Here are some recommended ones.
Some Invasive Cacti and Succulents
When plants become invasive, they can create environmental havoc. Several of the cacti and succulents are considered invasive.
Some Look Alike Succulents
In the world of succulents, there are any number of species that are somewhat similar in appearance.
Some Native or Naturalized Portulacas
Around the country there are a number of native or naturalized portulacas or purslanes. Here are detials on some of those.
Some Neighbors for Cacti/Succulents
It's easy to fall in love with cacti and succulents. Do keep the neighboring plants in mind before planting these outdoors or in mixed container plantings.
Some Spectacular Tree-Like Cacti and Succulents
The world of cacti and succulents is full of curious plants, including ones with tree-like forms.
Some Stonecrops for Garden Railroads
Of all the hardy succulents that are typically used for garden railroads, the stonecrops or sedums are among the real workhorses.
Some Succulents from Seed
Some succulents are fairly easy to grow from seed. Here are some that are recommended for beginners.
Some Suitable Succulents for Indoor Bonsai
For those cacti and succulent lovers who are interested in bonsai, there are quite a few suitable species. For the most part, these succulents tend to be either shrubby, tree-like, or caudiforms.
Some Tender and Hardy Ice Plants
Ice plants are interesting succulents with daisy-like flowers.
Space Saving Containers for Cacti and Succulents
Using space saving containers is one way to make good use of all the garden space you have for cacti and succulents.
Strawberry Jar Plantings
Strawberry jars are a favorite container among cacti and succulent gardeners. These pots offer many advantages for the plants.
Succulent Bonsai
Bonsai are among the most revered plants in cultivation. Creating these specimens is by no means quick and easy.
Succulent Color Changes
Why did your green aloe turn red? There are several reasons why the leaves of succulents change color. Recognizing these changes can help us keep our plants in a healthy environment.
Succulent Plantings for Garden Railroads
Garden railroads have become increasingly popular in recent years. Succulents are a perfect choice for these landscape plantings.
Succulents as Bedding Plants
In colder climates, the number of winter-hardy succulents is more limited than elsewhere. For succulent lovers, the solution is to grow them as bedding plants.
Succulents for Indoor Winter Gardens
Gardeners can create indoor winter gardens for the colder months of the year using cacti and succulents.
Succulents for Low LIght Situations
While it is true that many succulents prefer full sun there are a number that will thrive in less sunny situations.
Succulents for the Garden Railroad
Low growing succuloents are ideal plants for the garden railroad. With a few exceptions, most of these tend to be hardy perennials.
Succulents in the Landscape
Succulents are one of the best choices around for creating multi-seasons of interest in the landscape. Succulent lovers avoid some landscaping mistakes taht we often see.
Sundial and Jumbo Portulacas
For outdoor gardens, moss rose and flowering pursulanes are excellent choices. Here are some outstanding varieties.
Sunscald/Fungal Problems of Cacti and Succulents
Sunscald and fungal problems can occur on cactu and succulents.
The Bushy Euphorbias
Of the many kinds of Euphorbias, some of the most attractive ones have a bushy growth habit.
The Euphorbias
The euphorbias are a very interesting group of plants.
The Garden at Eichstatt Book
The garden at Eichstatt was the subject of a very special book. This title included a number of cacti and succulent paintings.
The Ice Plants
The ice plants or delospermas are members of the Aizoon family. These are native to South Africa as well as central and east Africa.
The Intrepid Plant Hunters
In 2004, Americans are celebrating the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. At times, the accomplishments of this scientific corps seem to overshadow those of other great explorers. Let´s take a look at some books about the intrepid plant hunters.
The Latest Word on Succulent Roof Gardens
Global climate change is here. In my local newspaper here in western North Carolina, I read today that 2004 was the fourth hottest year on record. To keep buildings cooler in the summer and warmer during the winter,the solution is to build roof gardens using succulents.
The Light Needs of Some Indoor Cacti and Succulents
Proper light is critical for indoor cacti and succulents.
The Native Portulacas
The moss rose and purslanes are introduced garden plants in the U.S. However, other species of portulacs are native to America. Here are profiles for several of these.
The Origins of Cacti
With the exception of one species, the cacti are unique to the New World.
The Pachypodiums
At first glance, these intriging succulents don't resemble other species.
The Saguaro
The saguaro is among the best known of the American cactus.
The Stapelias
The stapelias are among the most remarkable succulents.
The Succulent Geraniums
Most gardeners are likely familiar with the ubiquitous flowering geraniums that are seen during the summer months, but their succulent relatives aren't as well known.
The Versatile Agaves
Of all the native plants growing in Mexico and the U.S., the agave or maguey is one of the most useful.
The Versatile Prickly Pear
The prickly pears are among the most useful cacuts. They have many culilary uses.
The Yuccas
The yuccas are among the most common native succulents in North America.
Topiary with Succulents
Have fun with succulents. Use these plants to create living sculptures, such as topiaries and living wreaths.
Trailing and Creeping Cacti and Succulents
When trailing and creeping species of plants are needed, there are a number of cacti and succulents from which one can choose.
Tree-Like Aloes
While the smaller kinds of aloes might be very suitable for growing indoors in pots, the larger bushy and tree-like ones reach their full potential when they are grown outdoors.
Trial Gardens and Display Gardens
Trial and display gardens are a great place to learn about new varieties of cacti and succulents.
Tropical Plantings with Cacti and Succulents
Regardless of the climate, cacti and succulents are perfect companion plants for tropical garden plantings.
Trough and Hypertufa Gardens
For nearly a century, trough gardens have been very popular. These are perfect for cacti and succulents.
Trough Gardens
Something a little different--that´s what cacti and succulent lovers are looking for. This explains why trough gardens have become so popular.
Useful Cacti and Succulents
Though cacti and succulents are often considered as landscape plants, these have many other ouses.
Valentine's Gifts for Cacti and Succulent Lovers
Who says roses are the only suitable Valentine´s gift? Cacti and succulent lovers would beg to differ.
Valentine's Gifts for Gardeners
Valentine´s Day happens to be one of the most celebrated during the first quarter of the year.
Versatile Succulents
Succulents can play aesthetic and practical roles in the landscape. Here are some ideas.
Wall Gardens for Cacti and Succulents
Wall gardens are distinctive features in the landscape. These offer ideal growing conditions for cacti and succulents.
Water Saving Tips for Gardeners
In recent years, frequent droughts and excessively hot weather have meant many gardens required supplemental waterings. By growing drought-resistant plants, such as cacti and succulents, and adopting water-saving garden practices, gardeners can reduce the need for watering.
Watering Your Indoor Cacti and Succulents
Indoor cacti and succulents can be watered using various methods.
Wax From Succulents
Succulents are very useful plants. Two species have been used as wax sources in the U.S. and Mexico.
Weatherproof Succulents for Flower Gardens
Summers can bring all sorts of challenging growing conditions. There are some foolproof succulents that can handle whatever kind of weather the summer brings.
What Does Your Indoor Cacti or Succulent Need?
In a nutshell, indoor cacti and succulents need the correct amounts of water, light, and fertilizer with appropriate soil mix and temperatures.
Why Grow Cacti and Succulents
Apart from their landscape value, there are many reasons to choose cacti and succulents.
Wooden Containers for Cacti and Succulents
When it comes to choosing containers for your cacti and succulents, wood and rocks are very suitable materials.
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