Calming the Chaos

15 Ways to Calm the Chaos of ADD
There are times when we are scrambling so fast, running so hard, and everything around us feels like a hot mess! We are overwhelmed by life and circumstances. The negative symptoms can start small, but soon they pile up. Everything feels chaotic. Here are 15 good ways to help calm the chaos.
7 Chaos Taming Strategies for ADD
Every family has their own way of dealing with the negative symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. The inattention that goes with ADD can cause chaos in the home. Here are tried-and-true, family-tested, strategies to calm the chaos.
ADD and Using A Planner to Stay on Track
Using a weekly/monthly planner can be a huge asset for keeping your life with ADD/ADHD organized and on track. Think about what you need in a planner. Then, go find one that suits your needs. Staying organized is a great way to calm the chaos!
Apple Zucchini Muffins and Eating Well with ADD
Why do people eat processed foods? These foods don't taste as good as homemade, but they are convenient. Apple Zucchini Muffins are the ultimate convenience food. Easy to make, and used for snacks and meals, they don't have the additives and preservatives that can cause negative symptoms with ADD.
Clear the Clutter and Improve ADD Symptoms
What is one thing that you can do to improve the negative symptoms of ADD? Clear the clutter. What is the greatest benefit to clearing the clutter? You simplify your life. When you have fewer possessions, there is less to take care of and more time to improve the negative symptoms of ADD.
Developing Resilience with ADD
Why are some people able to go with the flow, work through problems, and carry on, even when bad things happen? How do they persevere, while others crumple at the smallest hint of adversity? The answer is resilience, that ability to persist in efforts and to believe that life will get better.
Flax Muffins Simplify Life with ADD/ADHD
ADD or ADHD and too many activities make life complicated. Sometimes it helps to have something simple and nutritious to eat. Having a snack or meal that you can make in minutes can improve your hectic life. Use these flax muffins to facilitate making your life simpler and calming the chaos of ADD.
Getting Ready for the Day with ADD
What is your early morning routine like with your school-age children with Attention Deficit Disorder? Many times what happens in the early morning before school sets the stage for the child's day. The parent is usually impacted, too. Why are mornings often so awful, and how can they be improved?
House Cleaning and ADD
What does your home look like? Hopefully, not like mine! With winter coming on, more time is being spent in the house, I need to make the dust bunnies run for cover. Really, I need to make a house cleaning plan and work my plan for having a gracious home for the winter holidays. Take the first step!
Learning New Skills with ADD
How do you feel when you are learning a new skill? This article outlines the steps for effectively learning a new and complex skill. It also introduces the reader to the Attention Deficit Disorder site´s virtual postcards and memory games. They are in the Daily Click section of BellaOnline.
Paper Clutter and Attention Deficit Disorder
Does your living or office space resemble an explosion in a paper factory? Are your paper piles practicing defying the Law of Gravity? What can you do to bring the piles under control? This article can help!
Planning and ADD
Are you having trouble maintaining your motivation with your ADD? Make a plan! If you are having difficulty with focus, find out how changing one small thing can impact the dynamic of your life.
Stabilize Your Household with ADD
For many people with Attention Deficit Disorder areas that need work are the home setting, money management, personal relationships, and the workplace. When these areas are in balance, then so many more activities can be accomplished in all parts of your life. This starts in the home.
Staying on Track with Adult ADD
Research has shown that controlling the inattention of Attention Deficit Disorder is best done with effective medication paired with behavioral interventions. If you can't medicate, some behavioral interventions that could help with attending are vision boards and a weekly/monthly planner.
Tantrums and ADD
Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder can have tantrums. Tantrums are caused by frustration and improved by adult actions that allow the child to self-calm. What can you do with a kid who is having a full-blown tantrum?
Time Saving Pumpkin Muffins and ADD
Tasty food is one of life’s joys. The only thing that I like better than food that tastes great is something that makes my life easier. Our family has several foods, like these pumpkin muffins, that help calm the chaos of daily life with Attention Deficit Disorder.
Use Lists for Organizing with ADD
When you have ADD, you are more creative. However, the trade-off is that disorganization can take precious time from you. That is time that you could spend doing activities that you really want to do. There is a way to take back your time. Make lists to help you accomplish your daily goals.
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