Book Lists by Topic

Adoption - A Bibliography
Assisting children to celebrate their adoption or deal with its emotional issues is the goal of these books for young readers.
Bibliography of Fiction Dealing with Religion
These books are written for young adults who are looking for more than a surface treatment of religion in the character´s lives.
Bibliography of Picture Books on Siblings
Brothers and sisters don´t always get along, but they still love each other. Here are books that address that relationship.
Books About Hurricanes
Understanding the power and devestation that hurricanes can be difficult. These books for young and old provide a place to begin.
Books About Service
Compassion and service are traits that we want to encourage in young people. These books for young readers exemplify these attitudes in a variety of situations by different types of people.
Books About Swimming - Bibliography
Swimming well takes dedication, skill, and knowledge. These books will assist patrons in gathering the information they need to become better swimmers.
Books About the Paranormal
Many young adults have a strong interest in unexplained phenomenon, witchcraft, ghosts, aliens, etc. Selecting good books on these topics can be difficult. Presented here is a brief bibliography of books on the supernatural.
Books Dealing With Justice
This brief bibliography focuses on the theme of justice and those who strive to bring justice for all.
Books for Back To School—A Bibliography
In many parts of the US it is back to school time! These encourage students to nurture their individuality while learning to work and play in a larger community.
Books for St. Patrick´s Day!
Books For When You Need To Read Green
Books for those Needing a Challenge
This week we look at series books to meet the needs of students reading above grade level.
Books On Playing Poker
Poker is a popular pass time with players of all ages. With poker shows frequently on TV, people want to learn about the game.
Books To Give You The Shivers
Are your young patrons looking for a good read that will send a chill up their spines? Lead them to one of these great books.
Children's Easter Books
Share these great Easter books with your young patrons.
Christmas Books For Intermediate & Middle School Readers
Many times we see lists of Christmas picture books. These books feature Christmas themes for patrons in fifth - eighth grade.
Cool Reads for Tough Guys
How do librarians connect books to guys who don´t like to read? These books offer quirky books that will hook young adult men with their stories.
Diet Books Bibliography
It´s swimsuit season and people are demanding diet books. Presented here is a brief bibliography that feature different approaches to dieting.
Dragon Books For Youth - A Bibliography
The quest for great fantasy books can be a challenge. These great dragon books for children and teens feature authors with last names beginning with M - Z.
Dragons Bibliography - Juvenile & YA Books
Dragons are a favorite of children and teens. These books offer a variety of stories dealing with dragons of every shape, size, and temperament. This list features authors with names A - K.
First Book In Mystery Series
Many patrons want to begin reading series books from the very beginning. Here is a handy list of authors, first books, and the lead character or series.
Gender Roles in Children's Literature
How children see themselves in relationship to others is extremely important. Many times children are pressured into meeting gender expectations. These books deal with those issues.
Ghost Stories for Intermediate Grades
Patrons often like a bit of a scare. These books offer ghost stories from around the world and across the USA. They are perfect for a Halloween display.
Horror Literature for Young Adults
Teens interested in the horror genre want quality books. Many young adult books deal with deep literary and philosophical questions. Here are a few of the best available to youth.
Humorous Fiction Books For Teens
Young adults don't always heavy books. They want to laugh and enjoy themselves. Here are books that will bring a smile to your teen patrons' faces.
In What Order Do I Read The Chronicles of Narnia?
This is a hotly contested issue. Do you read the books in story order, or the order in which they were published. Neither one is better than the other.
Juvenile Books Adults Will Enjoy
Some of the best fiction and non-fiction available is written for children and pre-teens. Here is selection of books for adults.
Middle School Books
Students in middle school are in a difficult time of life. They stand with one foot in childhood, one foot in adulthood. Books can help bridge that gap by meeting their interests.
Mysterious Books for Young Adults
These books aren´t the latest fad, but represent quality books for those who enjoy mysteries.
Philosophy and Religion Books For Teens
Young adults often want to explore larger issues and the meaning of life. These fiction books present a variety of views and philosophies.
Picture Books for Character Education
These books address various themes to promote positive character traits.
Picture Books With Adult Appeal
Most adults fondly remember favorite books from their childhood. These picture books are enjoyed by readers of all ages.
Recommended Pre-School Reading List
Parents often ask about books for their young children. This annotated bibliography features ABC, number, color, shape, and animal books that are just right for patrons ages birth to five.
Religion Reference Books
What are some of the books that should be included in the religion collection?
Stories of Faith
There are many types of faith, faith in ourselves, faith in others. These stories explore living lives of hope and faith.
Survival Fiction For Teens
For some young adults every day is a fight for survival. For others they are thrust into extraordinary circumstances. These books examine the fortitude and strength that is needed to persevere.
Tax Reform Books - A Bibliography
The massive IRS system and tax reform have been topics of discussion each election cycle. Here is a brief bibliography of various books addressing income taxes.
Technology Fiction For Teens
The Web and technology are part the lives of most Western young adults. These fiction books take a new look at something we take for granted.
Teen Books For Adult Readers
These aren't all nice stories with pretty teenagers. Many of these stories are filled with the grit and drama many young adults face every day. Others will make you laugh, educate you, and open your eyes to history.
Three Great Series Reads for Summer
Summer has arrived, the kids are out of school and everyone is waiting for or on vacation! Here are three great summer reads to enjoy on vacation or stay-cation.
Vampire, Werewolf, and Beast Books For Teens
An annotated bibliography of young adult books featuring dragons and other beasties.
Wedding Books Bibliography
Planning for the big day for you or someone else? Before you plan one more wedding shower game check out this great bibliography of books.
Welcoming a New Baby : A Bibliography
Welcoming a new sibling into the family is sometimes hard for children. These books will help to ease the transition.
What Is Death -- Book Review & Bibliography
Take a look at the children´s books that address a difficult subject.
What To Read After Harry Potter
Where to go next after the completion of Harry Potter 7 is a hard decision to make. Here are several books, some pre-dating Harry by decades, that will help readers discover other books.
Young Adult Romance Books
Here are some humorous, paranormal, realistic, and tragic love stories. Some books will appeal more to younger teens while others are written with older teens in mind.
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