Safety Education

"Take 25" and Talk to Kids about Safety
Did you know May 25th is National Missing Children's Day? Learn how you can take a pledge to help start a conversation on safety with your children.
Active Listening
Hearing what your child says is vastly different than listening to them as you multitask. To be an active listener one must stop everything else and focus his or her full attention on the person who is speaking. Learn how to be an active listener.
AMBER Alert Two Children Missing After Car Stolen
A father allegedly leaves the keys in the ignition and his two young children unattended inside a car while he is inside an establishment. The car is stolen and an AMBER alert is issued in Springfield Missouri. The children are safe, but should the father face charges?
Avoiding Lures From Strangers
A lure are words that strangers use in an attempt to attract a child’s attention and trust by making a promise or offering the child something. This reward entices a child to go with him or to do what they ask. Learn how to prevent your child being lured by strangers.
Calling 911 What Every Child Should Know
Children are now home for the summer. Is your home safe? Consider some of the following ideas to help protect children at home from exploitation and strangers.
Cellphone Cameras and Public Restrooms
What if your child heard the sound of a camera while using a public restroom? Would he or she know what to do or whom to notify? Learn what every child should know by reading this article.
Chat Lingo
When your child is talking online do you understand what you see on the screen? If you are mystified by the A/S/L and other combination of letters or numbers than read my article so you know what is being said online.
Child Lures Predators Use
As soon as children are able to understand what a stranger is, parents need to begin educating children about strangers. The first most important idea to teach a child is to never go anywhere without first telling mom or dad.
Coaching or Grooming Five Tips for Parents
If a coach or other adult requests to meet with your child do you wonder if there is an ulterior motive to his or her sudden interest? Learn five tips to protect your children.
Dangers Lurking in Your Child´s Closet
Initially it sounds like a wonderful idea, a child´s backpack with the child’s name printed boldly on the outside of the backpack. Yet, if you do put your child´s name on his or her backpack, you maybe placing your child into the hands of danger.
Emergency Contact Information for Students
Having emergency contact names and numbers on file means a parent or other safe adult can be contacted should your child need to be picked up from school due to injury, illness, or does not show up for school.
Escaping Predators Staying Alive
Have you talked to your children about how to escape a child predator? Talking to a child about how to respond to an emergency situation will help them know exactly what to do if they are faced with a similar situation.
Family Emergency Evacuation Plan
Our family was caught of guard travelling with our small children when the hotel kitchen caught fire and we were forced to evacuate the hotel.
Family Safety Guidelines
Summer is not a time to fear, but the time to review your family safety guidelines, and to make any necessary changes to accommodate a new season.
Firework Safety Preventing Burns
Every year children are at risk of burns and traumatic injuries when exposed to personal fireworks set off at home or in their community. Learn how to prevent injuries and burns and to celebrate summer safely.
Grooming Techniques of Predators
When a pedophile takes special care to facilitate a trusting relationship with a child and or the child’s parents, he or she is in the act of grooming. The meticulous grooming pattern begins with a pedophile identifying his or her next victim.
Hoaxes or Lures Used to Isolate Women
Have you discussed with your driving children the tricks that may or may not ever be used to trick him or her into helping a potential child molester or rapist? do they know about the Lures used to isolate them to make them more vulnerable? Read on to find out how to keep you and your teen safe.
Keeping Children Safe at Home
Who has access to your home? How many people have a copy of your house key? Is your home secure? Are your children and family safe? All good questions any parent or home owner should be asking themselves, yet imperative questions for new homeowners and renters.
Keeping Kids Safe While Traveling
How to keep kids safe while traveling? Recently we traveled from Saint Louis to Boston. We, being, two rational adults and two children ages 13 and 9. Out of the four of us, three have ADHD, making this trip all the more challenging for the driver, my usually quiet and rational 52-year old husband.
Lures Used to Kidnap Children
Strangers use lures or lies to distract a child and lure the child closer to the stranger. Teach children adults should never ask or approach a child for anything and what a child should do if appraoched by a stranger. Keeping children safe from stranger danger.
Missing, Exploited and Murdered Children
The news this week across our nation has been sad to follow regarding missing and exploited children. Find out how to keep children safe in this evil world.
Multiple Child Abduction Attempts Missouri
Have you reviewed what your child should do if approached by a stranger? If you are in the Saint Louis Area you need to talk to your children now. There have been multiple child abduction attempts in the past two weeks.
Name Alert
Personalized backpacks, book bags, shirts and jewelry are the rage, but can place your child in grave danger. Find out how to protect your children in public.
National Child Safety Council
Did you know there is a non-profit organization working just to protect children from accidental death, child abduction and how to prevent abduction? Well, the National Child Safety Council founded in 1955 has been working diligently to make the world safer for kids. Learn how their programs work.
Outdoor Safety for Children
Now that Spring is in the air more children are outside playing. Does your child know how to stay safe or what to do if approached by a potential abductor?
Preventing Infant Abductions
Authorities caution parents with newborns to be careful whom they allow into their home after bringing a newborn home. Find out how to protect your infant.
Preventing Newborn Abductions at Hospitals
Hospital security is only as good as the people who follow the guidelines provided during admission to the maternity ward. Find out how new moms can protect their newborns while in the hospital.
Protecting Children from Predators
Pedophiles have fantasies, reoccurring thoughts, and behaviors that involve sexual activities with a child usually younger than 14 years. Are your children safe?
Protecting Children´s Identifying Information
Do you place your home address and phone number in the schoool´s student directory? Read the article to find out how to protect Children´s Identifying Information.
Protecting Personal Information
Unless we know for certain whom will have access to the information we are giving out, we may want to reconsider whom we allow access to our personal and private information, especially when it comes to our children.
Public Restroom Safety
Do you let your children use a public restroom alone or do you insist on a safety in numbers approach? Read my article to learn how to keep children safe when you are away from home.
Role Playing Helps Children Stay Safe
What would your child do if someone followed him or her home from school? Children learn through role play how to respond to a situation. Learn how to role play with your child.
Safe Home Safe Family Safe Kids
Safety in and around your home is vital in protecting your family. There are simple things homeowners and parents should and should not do in and around the home when trying to keep everyone safe. Are you inviting thieves into your home?
Safe Spring Break Guidelines for College Students
College spring break can be a wild week of partying and that means young adults are vulnerable in unfamiliar places. Learn how to have a fun filled week and stay safe at the same time.
Safety Education and Young Children
Children have different learning needs and levels of understanding when an adult wishes to teach him or her something important. Different children need different levels of interaction depending on their age, level of maturity, and if they have any comprehension difficulties.
Safety When Walking to a Friend´s House
Do you know what route your child takes when walking to the home of a friend?
School Activities and Responsible Parenting
Homecoming is this weekend. The Homecoming Dance always signals fall has arrived. This year my daughter is a freshman in high school and attending the dance. How do we allow children to fly, yet keep them safe. Read and find out what one mom handles this time.
School Bus Stop Safety
Children stand at school bus stops early in the morning often before some adults head to work. Do your children know what to do if approached by a stranger?
School Safety for Students
One of the most important safety tips a parent can implement to protect a child headed into a new school year is NEVER write a child’s name on the outside of a shirt, jacket, backpack, or lunch box. Keep your child safe from a child molester.
Searching for Missing Children
When a child disappears, unless there is direct evidence to show a child was abducted, the search must include any area a child may be able to crawl, or wiggle into and as an area is searched the areas checked should be marked with a bright colored X. Learn what to do if your child is missing.
Signs of Sexual Abuse or Red Flags
There are plenty of red flags or signs that occur when a child is being sexually abused by someone they know. Parents need to learn what those red flags are and take action when they see several red flags in a relationship their child is involved in.
Staying Safe While Vacationing
Summer is a time of fun. A time when families plan to take vacation time together, usually away from home, and in unfamiliar territory. So how can families vacation safely? Read my article to find out.
Stranger Dangers
Children face many dangerous situations including strangers, which represent possible kidnappers, abductors, sex offenders, and present red flags in the world of keeping children safe. Here are some ideas to teach kids how to protect themselves from strangers.
Summer Home Safety
Spring is here! Since the warmer weather has arrived, everyone is getting outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. This is a good time to review some basic safety guidelines with our families.
Summer Safety and Emergency Planning
Summer is here. Learn to stay safe at home and away from home. Do you have an emergency plan and have you practiced what to do?
Summer Safety Tips for 2012
Is your family ready for a safe summer? Learn what you can do to keep everyone organized and safe during the summer time.
Teach Children How to Say No
From an early age, parents teach children to respect authority, as well as their elders. Yet by teaching children to respect authority and elders, unequivocally, and without question, is in reality setting up a child for exploitation. Teach children to say "No!"
Teach Children to Say No
Children need help in recognizing a potentially unsafe situation. Many children are not cognizant of the world happening around them.
The Dangers of Personalizing Items
Do you personalize items? Does your SUV have the family icons on the rear-view window with each family members name displayed below? Have you considered how personalizing jewelry, backpacks or cars can place your family at risk? Read this article and learn how to keep everyone safe.
Travel Safely with Children
Keep in mind that when traveling safety must remain a top priority. Safety is the key for fun in the summer sun whether at home or abroad. Now is a good time to establish or review basic safety rules for the family.
Trick or Treating Safely
Halloween is a perfect time for a sex offender to try and lure a child or teenager away into the dark. New laws do not even allow convicted sex offenders pass out candy during the festivities. Find out how to keep children safe on Halloween from convicted and registered sex offenders.
Violent Crimes Against Children Program
Children face the possibility of violent crimes every day, at home, school, and online. The FBI has created a new program targeting "Violent Crimes Against Children" in order to educate and help parents, and law enforcement to learn how to protect them.
What Age Can Children Stay Home Alone
Parents often ask when is it safe to let a child stay home alone? When out in public at what age do you allow children to use a public restroom alone? Read the article to learn more.
What Age Can Children Stay Home Alone
The magic question many parents ponder, at what age is it ok to allow a child to stay-at-home alone for short periods.
What is in a Name
Everyone likes to have thier items identified by name but what about wearing personalized outsifts, backpacks or jewelry?
Yard Sign Dangers
Colorful storks, signs, and balloons, are a way for a new parent to announce the arrival of a new baby. Yet such public displays could be placing a baby and family at risk. The FBI confirmed a homemade welcome home sign did play a role in Baby Abby’s abduction. Why yard signs maybe dangerous?
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