
Perception and Insight
In the midst of any unknown, finding our truest north is
more than just a possiblity. If you're wondering where to go from here, the answer is just a perception away!
Afterlife Holiday Visitations
If only for a moment, is it possible for our loved ones to enter our world yet one more time? Without a doubt!
Attracting the Love You Want
Would you like to attract more love to your life? Is it difficult these days to feel enthusiastic or inspired by anything? Having love or lack of infiltrates our lives in a variety of ways without even knowing it.
Attracting Your Innermost Desires
We all have desires. It isn't always what we don't have that can get in the way of our happiness, sometimes it's what we're attracting that gives us the most trouble.
Beating the Odds
Have you ever wondered how one person seems to have all of the luck in the world while others seem to struggle day to day? Is it really just a matter of attitude that sets these two worlds apart or could it be something more?
Big Tips in Little Changes
There is no better time for life changing events than for what may be waiting right around the corner. Change can greatly increase the benefits of transition as well as the kind of experience we do have.
Changing Perceptions
You never know when that one little thing you may do differently can end up being the one thing that changes your life forever!
Children of Light
As children of light we're designed, not out of fear, but created in generations with the Alchemic ability to alter any aspect, future, and personal circumstance through the learning lessons of life!
Christmas Miracles Today
Do you believe in miracles? Some people believe they're something of the past or happen to the rare and few, while others believe they're alive and well and happening every day!
Clairvoyance and Love
Nothing can make us feel more energized, more excited, and yet completely scatteredand frustrated than those we love. Utilizing experience along with the lessons involved can fill our hearts with our truest and most meaningful desires this Valentines Day.
Clairvoyance and Negativety
When we are not making the type of progress we would like to see, oddly enough, it may be suprising to know just how much personal judgement may be holding us back.
Clairvoyance and Negativity
Does it feel like you're stuck in a negative cycle? Do negative people, outcomes or just plain bad luck seem to find you wherever you go?
Coping with Changing Seasons of Life
Finding ourselves on uncertain grounds in life is not only likely, bus inevitable. However, what often starts out as chaotic and confusing, easily can transform itself into a personal and spiritual journey of a life time. By allowing our soul to take the lead inspite of congested uncertainties, ne
Coping with Changing Seasons of Life
Finding ourselves in unfamiliar territory with career and family is not only likely, but inevitable. However, what starts out as chaotic and confusing, easily can transform itself into a personal and spiritual journey of a lifetime.
Creating the Life We Dream
Do you have hopes and dreams you would like see come to pass? Does it feel as if each day is a reflection of the last? Understanding timing as only a portion of an event can help change the thoughts we have to actions creating the life we dream.
Finding answers to help move us from painful situations to healing can lay in something a simple as the echo. Forgiveness can be one of the best places to start in beginning the journey.
Gardens of Light Gardens of Stone
There is no question we are entering a period of heightened awareness. The economy today has only revealed through its own merit what we already knew but were slow to embrace and admit. Families and jobs are being redefined and for good reason. How does this affect us and what can we do in the
Grounding in the Midst of Chaos
Imbalance or the equation that can bring the most beautiful element within to the point of hopelessness and confusion, is often a crossroad where Soul meets direct opposition!
Guideposts and Destiny
Have you been on a life course that lately has you feeling lost or unfeeling in terms of direction? Whatever path you happen to be on, guideposts are always available to take you the rest of the way!
Healing Lives
Healing our life does not have to be complicated. Sometimes when we observe an outer condition or internal discomfort it can appear to be almost staggering when measured by our current state of happiness. When we are challenged in lack of outside help it is only an indication the answer can
Holiday Presences
When someone we love passes, we may wonder if we´ll ever get the chance to communicate with them again. Rest assured we do and especially during the holidays, we may find just that evidence we´re looking for!
Holiday Remedies From the Heart
The Holiday seasons can easily send our emotions on a journey from merry to scary. A few simple remedies of the heart can ease not only our load but those we are thinking of most this time or any time of year.
Home for the Holidays
There are times when every effort in the world becomes an investment that can become anything but! This holiday season, instead of upside down, inside out, find the anchor within. It's been there all along!
Identifying Psychic Gifts
Dominant and dormant spiritual gifts can help direct us in identifying our purpose in life. As we familiarize ourselves with these God given talents finding peace in love, career, family and home becomes more accessible as we actively work with the bigger picture of life.
When familiar sensation runs through our spirit with thoughts of should have, could have, and even avoidance. It is the opportunity to face certain challanges over and over in the hopes of learning to apply balance and knowlege...
Living the Light
Timing is everything and if we're not feeling the living part of life, it might be time for an invitation!
Managing Holiday Stress!
From Holiday Hell to Yuletide happiness, there's a simple, yet useful, "guide" for Holiday success!
Messages and the Other Side
Though it is best to utilize the time we have together, sometimes we just need to know our loved ones are cared for and without harm. When dreams, chance encounter and events touch us beyond reason often what had started as conincidence becomes a message from the Other Side.
Miracles in the Heartland
As our times continue to change much of what is being asked of us spiritually can feel equally confusing.
More Creating The Life We Dream
Whether we are pursuing specific life change or have experienced a life altering event, finding positive ways to interact with the challenges ahead provides healthy affirmations in working through transition.
Our Truest North
When we approach a period of renewal such as the beginning of any New Year, we find colorful optimism fueled with fresh goals. While some results may take a bit longer to manifest, both are worth the time and energy in order to find our truest North.
Psychic Meditating and Gardening
When helpful words of love and hope have been given and still we are in need of answers, messages have a way of popping up just when we need them most. With a gentle angle and ripening rewards a message in the garden may be the next place you find yours!
Questions about Suicide
When we or someone we love arrives at a point where even the idea of living feels senseless, heeding messages from the Other Side may offer a glimpse we may not have had other wise had we not taken the time to listen.
Relationship Instincts
Those first few instincts we receive, either in the morning before we head off to work or in the first moments of meeting someone new can hold more information than a week or month's worth of idle conversation. Learning to trust those instincts greatly increases our percentage of success in busine
Seeing Heartbreak in a Different Light
The saying, darkness before light isn't just a dusty old phrase. There's revelation behind it's meaning and offers alternative thinking to whatever we may be going through.
Soul Calls
Whether we have insight as to what our life purpose may be or desire more information before we commit, meeting our challenges along the way in a positive manner greatly determines our success. The Bridge between where we are and where we want to be can be as simple as changing our shoes.
Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
Have you felt a bit out of sorts lately? Does it feel like there's a struggle going on inside? If you feel like you're coming out of some type of deep sleep, chances are good that you are!
The Power Within
Integrating the spiritual side of ourselves with our physical surroundings can be one of the greatest challenges we will ever encounter. When we look at our current conditions vs. who we really are often times we find a contradiction in term
The Road Less traveled
If the shoe fits, throw it back in the closet.....
The Skeleton Key
There are things that can happen, haunt us even, often leaving us feeling helpless, set apart, frustrated or futile in our position of purpose and ability to help. That couldn't be further from the Truth!
The Timeline of Balance
In order to achieve balance, sometimes the only way to get past a miserable situation is to go through it. On the other side of discomfort can be something we never knew that makes us that much better!
What do Struggles Reveal?
Whatever we experience in the physical it is just a matter of time before a more significant understanding is revealed. Struggling in any situation is merely a success story in the making...
Working with Guides and Angels
More people in todays world believe in spiritual guides and angels than ever before. Developing a working relationship with our own guides, is not only a possibility, but essential in our daily lives.
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