Society Pressures

Advertising and the Pregnant Woman
Have you ever noticed how advertisers use the images of pregnancy and family to sell things that have nothing to do with children???
Appreciating Solitude During the Holiday Season
Solitude is not a sin, in fact it is often the key to the feeling of heightened spirituality people seek this time of year. Take just a moment to step away from the frenzy of family gatherings to appreciate the beauty of the season in solitude.
Can People Relive Childhood by Having Kids?
I'm revisiting one of my favorite subjects - advertising! Do media messages encourage people to have children to relive childhood? I'm seeing more advertising that seems to be enticing viewers to relive idealized, fantasy childhoods by having kids.
Childfree Women Growing in Number
It's comforting to know - in spite of mass media marketers' depiction of women as robot-dolls eagerly awaiting programming by the newest trend - there are women out there carefully considering how childbearing choices impact their lives and the world.
Children on Planes
A family was recently asked to leave a plane with their screaming 3 year old. The parents are mad, but I bet a plane full of passengers cheered the crew for their bold action!
Do You Really Want to Bring a Child into this Crazy World?
With everything going on in the world today, isn´t that reason enough not to have kids?
Does Having Kids Make You Old?
I notice more and more that parents are sold on popular kid-culture as the only meaningful form of society. They endow their children with vampiristic power to suck the life out their adulthood. Adult pursuits are set aside as parents turn into giddy, wrinkled teenagers.
Find Peace in Childfree Holidays
Survive the happy-family-with-kids media blitz this year by remembering and reconnecting with the peaceful heart and spirit of this special season.
International Policies Against the Child Free
Living in the world’s oldest Democracy affords us some personal liberties that other countries don’t enjoy. But when it comes to the child free community, our government has more in common with places like Kazakstan and Singapore than you might think.
Is Parental Status Criterion for Teaching Ability?
Insensitive commentary, and a friend’s disturbing teaching-job interview, indicate a growing disregard for lifestyle differences. If teachers are judged capable solely on the basis of parental status, any person working with young people can be similarly judged.
Isolation Less Frequent in the Childfree
Motherhood and parenthood is obviously trendy. What bothers me about the neo-moms is not the focus on children and childhood, but on the nuclear family as an insular unit - isolated from any sense of larger community - and appearing smug about being solitary!
Kids at Concerts
Children just don’t belong everywhere, especially at a three hour piano concert!
Loss of Urban Open Space to Kids
In a fight over the local zoo taking over a beloved park single and childfree couples' needs are being sidelined in the discussion. We will probably loose our beloved park to the most aggressive citizens among us - the desperate and boring parents running on the treadmill of kidfotainment.
Media Representation of the Childfree Choice
Discovery LLC claims to be the media voice of the people yet glaringly apparent is a distinct support for large families, active breeding without self-reflection and social conscience, and absolutely no attempt to showcase anyone with a positive childfree lifestyle.
More Myths of Parental Enlightenment
I was dismayed to hear a respected and favorite author in a recent radio interview cite children as the path to self-knowledge, spirituality and recovery. This a large burden to place on children and, once again, suggests that childfree people lack love, self-knowledge and enlightenment.
Parental Entitlement
Why is it that parents will do anything for their children -- even be rude to total strangers?
Personal Days and the Child Free
What if we all had more personal days? Would that even the playing field between the parents and the nonparents?
Should There Be Child Free Housing?
Let me know what you think about the idea of a no kids neighborhood!
Taxes and the Child Free
Tax cuts are the talk of the town lately. With so much attention on the child tax credit, where does that leave the child free?
The Courage to Face Superwoman
It takes courage to deviate from society’s expectations. The lives your friends have developed for themselves may not be what you have dreamed of. Nevertheless, many young women choose to follow the same path as their peers and are persuaded by the easy, carefree lifestyles portrayed by the media.
What a Survey on Motherhood Reveals Between the Lines
Beyond the typical answers, something interesting emerged when I read this magazine survey results more closely.
You Can Have a Happy Holiday Season
The holiday season can be difficult for people without kids. It helps to remember that it's the rhetoric, not the reality, that makes for trying times. There are many ways to experience the joys of the holiday season - without children.
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