Common Concerns

Breast Pain - Mastitis Symptoms and Treatment
Causes, symptoms and treatment options for mastitis, a painful infection of the breast, somewhat common in nursing mothers. Includes a discussion of antibiotics and natural options.
Breast Pain - Plugged Ducts and Mastitis
Most breastfeeding mothers have to deal with the problem of plugged ducts at some point or another. This article covers the basics of plugged ducts and treatment, as well as warning signs of mastitis and when to seek help.
Breast Pain and Nipple Soreness from Thrush
Thrush is a fungal infection of the breast that can cause severe pain for a nursing mother. Here's some basic information on thrush, diagnosis and treatment.
Breastfeeding after Breast Reduction
Information, guidelines and resources for women interested in breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery.
Breastfeeding and Back Pain
Back pain is a common complaint of new nursing mothers. Most of the time, this is an avoidable problem. Back pain while breastfeeding generally comes from easily correctable posture problems.
Breastfeeding and Breast Implants
Can women breastfeed exclusively or partially with breast implants? In many cases, YES! Some details on how breast augmentation affects breastfeeding success.
Breastfeeding and Growth Spurts
Just as new mothers begin to settle into a mode confidence after the sometimes challenging early days and weeks of breastfeeding, many mothers have that confidence shaken by growth spurts. Here's what mothers need to know...
Breastfeeding and Pacifiers
Should breastfed babies be offered pacifiers. Here are the facts nursing moms need to know.
Breastfeeding with Breast Implants
Can women breastfeed exclusively or partially with breast implants? In many cases, YES! Some details on how to proceed with breastfeeding after implants.
Breastfeeding with Flat or Inverted Nipples
Nursing with Flat Nipples or Inverted Nipples can be a challenge, but a very surmountable one. I overcame flat nipples to achieve 3 years (and counting) of successful breastfeeding between my two daughters. Here's some tips to help you plan for success.
Breastfeeding with Nipple Shields
Nipple shields are a somewhat controversial breastfeeding aid. Some consider them just another artificial nipple, but many (me included!) owe ultimately successful breastfeeding to their use. Learn more about nipple shields and if they can help you.
Correcting Lopsided Breasts While Breastfeeding
If you have developed significantly lopsided breasts or uneven milk supply during breastfeeding, it doesn't have to stay that way! For many women, lopsided breasts can be corrected with careful management of milk supply.
Correcting Overactive Letdown
Overactive Letdown of milk while breastfeeding (also known as milk oversupply, overabundance of milk, or forceful milk ejection reflex) is a common occurrence in early breastfeeding. What can be done for those struggling with overactive letdown to correct this challenge?
Decongestants and Breastfeeding
Decongestants, designed to dry up mucous in the body, are also known anecdotally to "dry up" milk and can cause noticeable supply issues, even after just one dose. Here's what nursing mother's need to know about this common cold medication.
Early Breastfeeding and Jaundice
Studies have shown that frequent early breastfeeding has a significant correlation to reducing or eliminating exaggerated jaundice in newborns.
Growth Spurt Survival Tips
Is your infant experiencing a growth spurt? Here's what you need to know to meet your baby's needs...
Increasing Low Milk Supply
In some situations, it is necessary for a breastfeeding mother to actively work to increase milk supply. Includes information on situations which may require intervention as well as strategies to increase supply.
Inverted Nipples and Flat Nipples
Inverted Nipples or Flat Nipples are common causes of early breastfeeding challenges, but ones that *can* be overcome with support. How to tell if you have inverted or flat nipples, why they can cause problems and how to prepare before the baby arrives.
Lopsided Breasts or Uneven Milk Supply
Lopsided breasts and uneven milk supply can occur when breastfeeding -- even when doing everything correctly. Discusses issues surrounding that challenge and what can be done about it.
Night Nursing and Sleep Deprivation
Night nursing is an area of anxiety for many nursing mothers who are longing for a full night's sleep. Check out these important facts about night nursing. Link to tips on maximizing sleep and night weaning.
Night Nursing Tips to Get More Sleep
Is Night Nursing wearing you out? Hers are some tips on how to maximize sleep for you and your baby as well as some tips on beginning to night wean.
Nursing While Sick
Did you know that you can and should continue nursing your baby when you are sick! Includes information and tips to get through cold and flu season.
Overactive Letdown
Overactive Letdown of milk while breastfeeding (also known as milk oversupply, overabundance of milk, or forceful milk ejection reflex) is a common occurrence in early breastfeeding. What causes overactive letdown and what can be done in early breastfeeding to try to avoid this challenge?
Painful Letdown Reflex
Letdown, also knows as milk ejection reflex, is the physiological process by which the breast releases milk from the milk producing glands into the milk ducts for access by the baby. For some women, letdown can sometimes be quite painful, especially early in breastfeeding.
Sore Nipples and Yeast Handout [offsite link]
This is an absolutely fantastic handout that is sold to professionals in the lactation field. The online version is marked "sample," but you can read all the text and see all the photos of affected babies and breasts with various afflictions. Fair warning -- the photos are not at all censored and include breasts and diaper area shots.
Sore Nipples During Ovulation
Do you have sore nipples that seem to come and go over time without an obvious reason? It could be related to ovulation or other event in your menstrual cycle.
Strategies for Breastfeeding with Sore Nipples
Even under the most ideal circumstances, the first days of breastfeeding can be challenging. A short-term focus on correcting the nipple trauma and on healing will lead to long-term breastfeeding benefits to mother and baby.
Tongue Tie and Breastfeeding
Tongue tie is a largely misunderstood condition that can negatively affect breastfeeding, causing potential breastfeeding pain or even inadequate newborn weight gain.
Using a Nipple Shield – My Experience
A cautionary tale and success story all in one, here's my experience with using a nipple shield to nurse my first daughter.
Weaning from Nipple Shields
When nursing mothers use nipple shields for assistance establishing breastfeeding, there is often a great deal of stress over how to wean from the nipple shields. Using a nipple shield is NOT a "life sentence." Here are my thoughts, advice and tips on weaning from nipple shields.
When Breastfed Babies Bite
Biting by breastfed babies is usually a temporary problem, but one the causes much worry (and some pain!) for nursing mothers. Here's some tips on what to do if babies bite while breastfeeding.
Why Breastfed Babies Bite
Biting by breastfed babies is usually a temporary problem, but one the causes much worry (and some pain!) for nursing mothers. Here's some tips on why babies bite while breastfeeding.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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